Wednesday 25 May 2016

The nature and purpose of the creative media industries

Primary Research
Primary reserahc is research is conducted by the people involved with the production (Director or Producer) to figure out certain aspects with the production they may have issues with, such as tone, story, writting, etc. Filmmakers do this by using forms of primary research like; Questionaires, Surveys or interviews fFilmakers use this information to make changes to the production that the audience may prefer. When I conducted research for my documentary and Televison advert I had made a surveys which asked specific questions regarding certain aspects of the production that would need to be established as functional ideas for my production because I wasn't too sure if anyone would be intrested in my topic I had chosen for my documentary  I did this by asking questions like
"would you be intrested in watching a documentary about mine and my friends interest in live music" which came back surprisingly postive with the majority answering that allowed me to make a documentary on topic I had chosen and for my Television advert me and my group wanted to know if the product we were trying to advertise could appeal to that specific audience which was 'Students'.

Secondary Research
Secondary Research is research which is done by media which has already been made and taking inspiration and information from them to create a new piece of media, for example I took inspiration for my documentary loosely from documentaries by Vice where the filmmaker puts himself out of the frame rather than constantly interviewing people in front of the lens and showing himself in front of the camera at all times.such as bomtpon with Kendrick Lamar or on Montage Of Heck. I have also used secondary research when doing other projects such as my depict short which I had gathered ideas and inspiration from by watching various Depict shorts on the the Depict website (
various media organisations do this so they can take the knowledge and inspiration from past media to create new original content.

Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is where you look at things such as the numbers of viewers and how many people like or dislike something,it mainly consists of stats and large amounts of data. I've used quantitative research when creating projects like my Unilever Project, I researched what times of the day people had watched television,, what shows and channels were the most watched and what time of the day did they view them. I conducted this research to find when would be the best time to air an advert such as mine, Through the research I conducted I found the Time,Channel and Show that suited the audience i was trying to appeal to.You can also look at users and critics reviews of TV shows, Documentaries, shorts, Films and various other media sources for this type of research, websites like IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and meta critic. Media companies use this type of research to make future changes to their productions, this usually is used for TV shows, to change certain aspects to bring in more viewers and improve critical recepetion.

Qualative Research
qualative reserach is quite simular to quantative reserach in the reviewing aspect, qualative research is very acessible, TV reviews, Game reviews, Film reviews and the publics attitude toward products of the media. Media companies do this research on tester groups for example before a TV shows airs media companies invite people to tester rooms where they are asked to watch a pilot episode of a new series about to be released by a certain studio and after watching it is asked to give feedback so they can thefore figure out what to change in the show and if it should be aired or not. The problem is with this form of research is the opinion of each individual viewer can be bias. Before making my documentary in my pre-production I had watched a few films and documentaries which related to my topic one of them was Foo Fighters - Sonic Highways which is a documentary mini series involving the band 'Foo Fighters' recording and perfroming live over in 8 diffrent cities to record their album 'Sonic Highways' I used this show to see the perspectibve of how artists work performing live and recording to get the right perspective on the live music Topic. Sonic Highways currently sits at a 93% audience rating on rotten tomatoes which is helpful to me because I can tell how this type of show can appeal to an audience I am aiming for. 

Data Gathering Agencies
BARB is a statistics service which allows you to see what are the most viewed and trending television shows and online streams from services  like Netflix and Hulu. This also includes the demographics of the viewers and the peak times of the shows and channels through viewing stats, There are media agencies such as IPA and TNS are funded to do market research for other companies. When making my televison advert I used barb figures to figure out where I would fit my advert in, to get the most viewers that would relate to my target audience, through BARB I found that gogglebox was the most viewed show In the UK at the time and I thought that time slot would fit my target audience so I had chosen it. Media companies can use these agencies to find out what type of competition they will be against and how well they are doing viewing wise.

Audience and Market research
This research is basically Quantitative Research and DGA combined, this is because this form of research it gives you the viewers and reviews. This can be mainly consisted of demographics for example who it should appeal to like types of age groups and cultural backgrounds. For my Documentary survey I had put a question in the survey which asked what age they were and what there occupation was, I asked this in the survey because I wanted to figure out if i was really appealing to my target audience by doing this I realised that the target audience i was aiming to reach to was the right one because everyone who seemed to be interested in the idea of my documentary fitted the demographic I wanted to appeal to.Many media companies do this so they can therefore produce the Film, Television shows, Documentaries etc to the audience liking to try and appeal to a specific audience or a wider audience.

Production Research
This Research is what is needed for a media production such as resources, talent, costumes, props equipment, locations, finance etc. For my productions which I have done whilst doing this course the college has given me and allocated budget of five pound, I've never really needed to use this budget to collect equipment or software or really anything for a fact cause I've never needed to use it whilst doing a production because the college allows us to rent out and use these items for free such as cameras, other filming accessories and editing software on the computer, this can also be used for travel but when filming for productions i have rarely filmed outside of the college but when i have filmed it has been with travel used by my bus pass so I have never really has use the budget under any circumstance.

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