Monday 20 June 2016

Legal, Ethical and contractual response letter

Flipside media
20th June 2016

To whom it may concern.

I am writing to this letter to you today because I have found there are many Legal, Ethical and Contractual faults in your job advertisement for for a digital video producer, For starters what is legally wrong with the advert, after looking over the advertisement I have found that it is very explicit because the job advertisement requires me to perform a role which wants me to create a video which involves 'teenage rape' for the 'No Means No' campaign which is technically morally and legally wrong because I am asked work within a high school interview the victims of these acts but this is illegal  getting children under the age of 18 on camera describing sexual abuse is not legally and morally except able in the media industry and in the eyes of the law and there are also not allowed any reenactments to take place. Next the payment part of the contract; it is not in any way fair and does not allow your employees hired for this role equality what so ever, How can someone who works up to 10 hours a week can get £35,000 but someone who works up to 45 hours a week could potentially only earn 15,000 a year. this payment system you have set is unfair and illegal, you need to set up a fixed pay contract not including variables. A contract is supposed to be a legal binding from employer to employee, when a contract is made it legally needs to inform the applicants of three things, what you are being asked to do, when you will be required to work and how much you will be payed and how much you will be paid, this advertisement is showing that the contract the applicants will be signing will break all of these rules set in place.

The application specifically asks for the applicants in the religious views section to be Christian which is completely wrong to do because even though you are a Christian lead organisation you are not allowed to discriminate against any religious group in any way for employment, the UK's laws of employment requires any organisation to not discriminate against someone's age, gender, religious views or race unfairly this comes from the 'Equality Act' created in 2010, which then brings me to another part in the application which relates to this specific act; you have said that you will only hire applicants under the age of thirty, why is this? there is no specific manual labour such as heavy lifting needed for this job role, so why are you discriminating of people above the age of 30 over unfairly. It seems as if your organisation is correctly following these guidelines set out by the government to protect the people. When also going through this advertisement I found that apparently when filming this video I am being asked to produce for your organisation I am not protected from illness and injury until I have been hired into the organisation so i'm not legally protected by your company if form of accident potentially happens to me, this completely breaks employment legislation because i'm potentially doing work for this organisation without being employed and because I am not employed by your organisation I have no trade union to be protected by, which is in every sense of the word unfair on my behalf. 

For the video I have been asked to produce for the purposes of the anti 'date rape' campaign 'No Means No' This is on many levels ethically wrong for me to do with the specific instructions you have given me you have specifically asked me to "interview teenagers and other individuals who might be/have been affected by the topic including 'Female victims' and 'Male offenders' You should compliment the interviews with reenactments and Dramatizations" for starters why can the victims only be female and the offenders only be male? This seems to be implying only females can be affected by rape which is every bad representation, males have been affected by rape before and even I could only find female victims to interview it is still unethical to make the assumption that there is no such thing as a male victim of rape, you would be giving the wrong representation of rape victims by making these assumptions. This being shown on camera to the public can affect the image of teenage boys, and give them a bad representation to the public as a whole.

I've also been asked to create Film reenactments and dramatizations for this chosen topic with 'Teenagers' which is ridiculous because it is legally and morally wrong for me to allow the sexual reenactments of children under the age of Eighteen to take place on camera, Ofcom would never allow this to happen, they are around to set the standards of British broadcasting, there broadcasting code involves the protection of under eighteens and to stop the harm and offence of people on camera this is all part of the The Communications act (2003) and the broadcasting act of (1990) and if these laws are broken Ofcom are legally obliged to enforce these acts upon the offenders.both these rules are broken if we perform these reenactments on camera, this can be classed as 'obscene' which can infringe the "The Obscene Publications Act (1959). If you wanted to have this shown to children at high school age you would not be able to show this video you want me to create to your required audience because the BBFC does not allow scenes of sexual violence to be shown to anyone below the age of 18. Finally you have asked me to put a "Popular music soundtrack" into this production I am not specifically told I would have a budget for music which would mean if you needed me to do this we would be braking copyright infringement which usually ends up with legal disputes if these artists are not paid for the music they use, the demands you have put into creating this video for the benefit of employment is totally ridiculous, you have obviously took note into any laws which could affect this production.

Yours sincerely

Kain Brown

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