Thursday 22 June 2017

Current practices in corporate video

  • Introduction: Corporate videos like all moving image productions have to make sure they deal with legal and ethical issues before and after it is released. Corporate videos have to deal with various amounts of legal aspects so they will not have any problems after the production has been made, These are fair use, Copyright, Privacy, Defamation, Courts, releases, Ethical and Technologies.
  • Copyright: Copyright which appears is most moving image productions, Copyright exists to protect material from being stolen, copyright is infringed when a a certain part of a work is used without permission. When corporate videos are produced the people who produce it have to take into consideration what copyright they may face if they use a certain idea, images, music Etc, corporate videos like films, adverts and TV shows have to take these same aspects
    into consideration because most media is copyrighted so they have to follow the exact same rules, for example; A corporate video that wants to use a popular music soundtrack would have to have to pay the artist because if they did not this would be copyright infringement, they  are using a piece of media  that does not belong to them so they can therefore not use it without the artists permission. 
  • Privacy: The privacy law means that when productions are made the court will determine someone’s right to a private and family life and the media’s right to film and write with freedom of expression. This means that filmmakers, journalist, reporters Etc have to be careful with what they write or film for legal reasons so they do not invade the privacy or others without permission. Corporate videos have to follow this rule so they aren't breaking this legal boundary which can lead onto a eventual lawsuit.
  • Defamation:The law of defamation allows individuals, companies or firms to sue for damage to their reputation caused by material that is published and which makes defamatory comments about them. The way this could affect a corporate video would be if certain companies who would need a video would be trying to compare themselves to other rival companies, they would need to be careful what they would say so they would not therefore defamatory towards other individuals. for an example of this happening in the industry Michael Jackson being attacked by the media many years ago could account for defamation of character (
  • Fair use: is the referencing,copying or quoting the work of content creators for a personal use, fair use is when someone can safely use other peoples content without breaking any laws, for example YouTube content creators can use snippets of other content is there videos without facing any legal issues. But if it is used in a negative way or given the content or person a bad look or representation then it can infringe defamation laws.

  • Ethical: Ethical problems in the industry can be morale issues which can affect the production, when making our corporate video for James Paget we had to take various precautions when filming to not cause any ethical issues with the hospital or its patients.
  • Releases: Location, When filming corporate video productions you are usually needed to make location release forms to stop land owners to not have legal issues for the production when filming on their property. for example the series Big Bad World was filmed around Norfolk and the Yarmouth seafront. Talent releases are made for productions to avoid any legal trouble which be pursued by the actors, the actors family or their agents if anything bad happens. Material releases are just like other releases apart from that the materials owner gives the permission for a production company to use their content.
  • Technology: an example of the type of equipment which is used in corporate videos would be a cannon 700D it's worth around the region of£ £400 which is quite a constraint on the budget of a corporate video but it gives the results creators need to use to get the best looking shot.
An example of editing equipment would adobe premier pro, its a program created for apple computers designed to edit films simply and to the best quality with this brand of editing software. its worth in the region £20 pound a month for the basic software and the premium software is £70 a month.

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