Monday 8 February 2016


For my second assignment for my media course, we were asked to do make a advert for a product of our choice that the company Unilever sells. My group had all decided mutually out of the three of us to make an advert for Flora, we had decided to do Flora cause we had all felt that out of the three of us Joe had the best and most original idea for an advert so we decided to pick flora, the current audience to Flora is middle aged people, who have families and main objective is to mainly to sell to people with families. We decided that we wanted to appeal to a student audience, between the ages of 16-21 we decided to pick this demographic because we felt that there is a quite large gap in that area.

I had collected the data but sending out a survey with link of the advert attached to it, asking 3 questions which summarised how well the advert was made and how effective it was. Telling from what feedback we had all received through a survey we had sent out to people who fit the demographic of what we were aiming for, we were quite pleased with what we had creative appealing to the audience wise, we knew we had appealed to our audience because we had only  sent out the survey to people who we aimed to appeal to, the vast majority of the feedback was positive which had showed us that we had achieved that target we set out to achieve audience wise.

after watching the advert  multiple times i have analysed some of the features which i found we had done well and in parts which could have been changed in the final cut.
Shots, angles and Shot Editing

I found that throughout the advert we do use various types of shots; such as the first shot of the advert a stilled frame mid shot is used, we used a low angled shot of me walking down the stairs at the 0:07  mark, a scenery shot close up panned right at the 0:22 mark, a zoom is used in 0:31 mark and a match on action shot is used at the  0:37 mark to name a few. SO i think we had used a fair amount of shots with the advert to keep some variety into the advert shots.

I think on the editing side with shots and angles was well done mostly, the split screen had been edited very well by us, we had matched up each action of the sequence on time when it had needed to be matched, but I think at some points some of the shots are slightly dragged out at points for example at the 0:27 - 0:35 mark, all three of us felt that it could of been shorted by 2 seconds or more but found difficulty in shortening it because of matching up the two screens side by side, we have managed to correct these type of mistakes in the advert by making 15 and 30 second versions of the advert that we had made after we had uploaded it.

Sound and use of sound editing
For the sound throughout, a song which i had devolped on garage band using samples was just used for the entire length of the advert, we did use the cutting of soundtrack at all throughout that we could of used with some diegetic sound or non diegetic sound for some different effect, we had used some a piece of diegetic sound at the 0:37 mark when the toast hits the plate. We could of edited the sound differently but we felt the advert was needed more visually accurate than sound.

I feel through the positive feedback and the quality we all felt we had all put out, the use of editing and shots we had used, successfully sold our product and got the message through that we set out to achieve, I felt that we had successfully made an advert which had appealed to the audience we set out to appeal to therefore successfully re-branding our Unilever product.

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