Monday 6 March 2017

Music Videos: styles conventions and techniques

In concert and 'as live' Footage 
In concert footage consist of the artist performing their songs live or videos which are reconstructed to make video seem as they are performing live but the track has just been dubbed over.

The first example is a music video by Mumford and sons which shows them playing a live concert performing a single, the video works for this style because it is a genuine live footage which sow the band performing the allocated song they made the video for,  the second example is a video which has been reconstructed for live purposes, this is by 'The Black Keys' this video works for this style because it consists of the band performing song live but the actual music is at studio quality so the single its meant to be promoting can actually be heard in its original fashion.

Narrative and interpretive.
the purpose of this style is to create a story or some form of narrative expression through the music video, this is usually put into place for the audience to have a narrative to follow for the viewer the videos usually tend to explain the message behind the song or to just show a compelling story to watch. The first example of this is by a band called 'Kodaline' they created a narrative video for a song called 'All I want' the video consisted of two parts to further the narrative of the story. this video fits this style because it creates a narrative through mise-en-scene and shot variation.

surreal music videos are videos are supposed to be surprising and unconventional to typical music videos and a narrative level they usually bare very little relation to the lyrics of the song. The first example is off a video by a electro swing group known as 'Caravan Palace' this song fits the format because its rather order and has no actual narrative to the story the vision behind of animalistic imagery it is what gives it the unusual edge to it. The second example is from an DJ called Chris Mallinchak called 'so good to me' the video fits this genre because mainly of the ending its quite out of the ordinary because mainly because of the concept a young girl is looking for her lost pet but she can't seem to fin it we do not know the species of the pet until the very end it also happens to be a giraffe, it does not particularly follow any form of narrative its rather odd.

An impressionist music video is made to create the emotional weight of a song not to necessarily capture the literal sense of the lyrics like typical music videos, its known as a moire artistic form of making music videos, this was originally created by an artistic movement in the 19th century called impressionism. My first example of this style is by an artist called Alt-j and this is a song released recently called '3WW' this fits the style because it uses a lot of imagery which comes from the emotion which the songs is creating, the colour pallet is also used in effective way which is visually interesting. this style focuses mainly on soft lighting, flowing and integrating colours which this video contains very much of.

Interextual: Synergy, Allusion, Pastiche, Parody and homage

Music Videos sometimes pay homage or refer to other subjects rather than the video or song itself, music videos from soundtracks usually refer to the film which they have been added to, Other videos can refer to other media texts, events, historical events, people and cultural references. pastiche is a music video which is a light hearted interpretation of an artist style this can come from film and music, a good example of pastiche would be 2Pac and Dr Dre's song 'California Love' it payed homage to the third installment of the The 'Mad Max' franchise called 'Beyond Thunderdome' it did this by filming the video on the set of the thunderdome.

'Homage' is an artist paying tribute toward another artist, an example of this would be Kendrick Lamar's Video for 'King Kunta' It does not directly pay homage to just one artist it refers to many artist from the city of Compton, this is done by the use of footage showing the city and the residents of Compton. it pays homage to old school compton artists such as N.W.A and 2pac, the video also rather imitates the alternative version of California love by Kendrick main two influences Dr. Dre and 2pac and also references Michael Jackson's 'Smooth Criminal' with the 'Eddie are you okay' line.

Synergy is a form of promotion between artists and brands or just one artist to another, music videos which feature synergy usually use footage from the films or have major references to the films. A good example of synergy would be the video for 'Burn The Witch' by the band 'Radiohead' it is not strictly there to promote the film 'The wicker man' but it imitates it in many ways, It i also A good form of Allusion because allusion is based highly upon cultural subtext and historical events, this video has a large amount of religious commentary involved in its subtext.

Animated (stop motion, Digital)
These are videos which are partly or entirely filmed in animation, A good example of an animated video would be 'Gorillaz' video for their song 'Clint Eastwood' which is completely filmed in animation because the bands videos are completely animated. Another example of a animated video, whwich is partly animated would be the video 'Say Nada' By 'Shakka' the video features shades of animation which are incorporated into the live action for example; shakka picks up an animated watermelon and smashes it on the floor.

Lip sync
A performance video usually contains lip sync, this most commonly happens in narrative music videos. In some circumstances when the video is filmed the track will be slowed down or sped up for various effects such as slow motion with regular paced audio, an example of this would be Carly Rae Jepsen's video for 'I really like you' which features tom hanks lip syncing to the vocals of  the artist.

Cutting to the beat
cutting to the beat is what directors use to establish a rhythm to their editing. Music video directors such as David fincher are well known for using this method. A good example of this is from director David Fincher called 'Freedom' By George Michael. Video uses a good amount of cutting to beat, another example would be Grime artists '67' video for their single 'Lets Lurk' every time the beat changes or a new verse comes in, the director cuts around each beat.

Split screen
this is a technique used to show multiple images on screen, to create a sense of narative.

Chrome Key
These are videos use an effect which is used to create animation for the background created ona blue/green screen. A good example of this would be Kendrick lamar's humble not everything on this video is flmed on a green screen but the 'chrome key' effect is used.

Camera Movements
Using pans, Tracking shots, tilts and crab shots create movement within the video to create a sense of glow and excitement for the video. this usually happens within Hip Hop and grime videos in this day and age because the movement of the camera resembles drops and flow changes, the first example would be Travis Scott's video for his song 'Goosebumps' it shows a large amount of movement on camera especially when Travis is partying, this creates a sense of being dazed and confused. The second example would be a grime Video by upcoming grime artists Dave and AJ Tracey called 'Thiago Silva' this video also consists a lot camera movements panning mostly from verse when Dave and AJ are trading bars.

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